Advancein organics LLP

Advance Inorganics is aware of the importance of accompanying our high quality products with high quality packaging to keep them in optimum condition.

We offer a wide range of packaging solutions in terms of both capacities and materials to adapt as much as possible to your needs. Our entire packaging range is manufactured according to the strictest regulations and aims to be as environmentally friendly as possible.

We are continuously searching for cleaner and safer ways of packaging. We are an ISO 14001 certified company and safeguarding the environment is one of the company’s goals.


  • Wide range of materials taking into account the chemical compatibility and characteristics of our solvents and reagents.
  • Food grade primary packaging according to regulation EU 10/2011 and amendment EU 1282/2001.
  • Vacuum packaging for sensitive products (i.e., hydroscopic products).
  • Wide range of sizes: convenience and peace of mind for all our customers worldwide.
  • UN approval: packaging approved under the latest transport regulations.
  • Safe packaging options containers and caps designed to minimise particular risks to users and the environment.
  • Ease of handling for our customer's daily operations.
  • We can load our packages in different types of pallets: wooden Euro pallet, plastic Euro pallet, half Euro pallet (80x60), CP1, etc.
For plastic drums and paper bags we cover the pallet with a big “cardboard box” (as per the picture) which has the following advantages:
  • Preventing dust getting into the drums and bags.
  • Safe transport of the drums and bags.

Containers for Solids

Our containers for solids have the ideal specifications for handling, storage and transport.

Our most popular packaging is an external cardboard box for easier waste management or reuse. Our boxes are stackable packaging and consequently save space during transportation and storage, which contributes to reducing our customers’ packaging waste.

Our cardboard boxes have a unique “easy close” design that allows the customer to keep the box closed if the product is not used all at once and maintains the product safe from dust.

Apart from our standard box, we also pack our salts in bottles, wide mouth plastic containers, big bags and paper bags.

We can offer different volumes: 100g, 250g, 500g, 1kg, 5kg, 20kg, 25kg, 500kg, 1000kg.

And a range of packaging materials:

  • Cardboard box with LDPE (Low Density Polyethylene) inner bag
  • Paper bag with LDPE inner layer
  • PP (Polypropylene) drum with LDPE inner bag
  • HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) bottles
“Easy Close” 40 L cardboard boxes
Plastic jerrican 25 L

Containers for liquids

Our liquids can be packed in bottles, drums, containers and IBC.

We can offer different volumes: 100ml, 250ml, 500ml, 1l, 2,5l, 5l, 25l, 30l, 200l, 1000l

And Different packaging material:

  • HDPE (High Density Polyethylene)
  • Glass
  • Steel
  • Metal

Quality Assurance


Particle size distribution is an important physical property in many industries such as pharmaceuticals, paints, ceramics, semiconductors, etc.

Particle size can influence the density, electrical properties, mechanical strength and thermal properties of the finished product.

It can be measured in different ways. It is important to remember that the instruments will give values considering all particles to be spherical in shape. If using different equipment, we might get different particle size results for the same substance because it uses different methods.

There are two types of measuring PS (Particle Size): sieve size and laser diffraction.

For small crystals we have Malvern equipment that uses the laser diffraction technique. Malvern can measure PS as dry or humid powder. If the conditions applied with the same equipment, for example Malvern, are not exactly the same, there can be differences in PS values. For coarser crystals we use sieve analysis.

We can customise to the particle size distribution the customer might need. We can mill and decrease the particle size.

Malvern equipment


Uniform appearance of solid products is achieved by sieving after the drying step. Coarser crystals formed in the crystallisation step are separated out and therefore particle size is more uniform.

We sieve all our high-purity salts.


Particle size is a critical parameter for specific applications. With our mills we can decrease the particle size of our salts to meet the customer’s requirements.

Furthermore, milling can be carried out in a GMP-compliant environment.

GMP-compliant room
GMP-compliant room

Mixing Multi-component

Multi-component products can be a good solution for specific applications. Mixtures of organic and inorganic salts can be obtained as a solid or as a water solution in a range of batch sizes from a few grams to several tonnes.

Purity Grades

We know that every single application requires a specific product grade. With our variety of raw materials and our purification systems we are able to achieve the suitable product for every customer’s process.

Our products meet existing publications:

  • Pharmacopoeia (Ph Eur, USP-NF, JP): products for the pharmaceutical, biopharmaceutical, veterinary, nutraceutical and cosmetics industries.
  • Food Grade Regulations (FCC or EU): our ISO 22000 compliance allows us to supply the Food and Beverage Industry with products complying wiht the FCC (American Food Chemical Codex), EU monograph or both directives at the same time.
  • ACS (American Chemical Society) and ISO (International Organisation for Standardisation) for Analytical Laboratory Reagents.
  • ASTM (American Society of Testing Materials) for referenced laboratories.

And can also be adapted to the customer’s specifications or needs with the result of special grades such as:

  • Pharma grade
  • Food grade
  • Chemical grade
  • Low in perchlorates and chlorates
  • Low in endotoxins